A changing world does not only offer challenges, but also opportunities. In this respect, each industry presents its own specific case. We examine a number of focus points concerning retail, industry and energy.
For retail, the topics revolve around dealing with e-commerce, small neighbourhood shops in the immediate surroundings versus large shopping centres on the periphery of cities, the future of city centres, vacancy and distribution.
Industry, on the other hand, tackles some bigger issues around the product, production process and logistics. How do we achieve the transition from internal combustion engines to electric batteries? How do we design our production process to reduce CO2 and nitrogen emissions as much as possible? How do we deal with supply lines in a VUCA world? These are examples of questions for reshaping our industry.
As industrial architects, we are responsible for the design of all kinds of buildings; offices, production buildings, showrooms, laboratories, sheds, warehouses and more. We deal with the architectural and structural aspects, stability and building techniques. As consultants, we always take an advising role for construction, mechanical engineering, piping, electricity, measurement and control technology and specialisations such as purchasing, logistics and administration as well.
Energy as a steering layer
Energy is not only a third layer, but above all a steering layer. Without a radical change in our energy system, the rest of our society will not be able to fulfil the proposed transition either. In doing so, we must combine an ideal vision with a certain amount of pragmatism, but always with a sustainable future in mind.
Greater efficiency in all energy consuming industries is a must. Both on a large scale (modernisation of climate systems, decarbonisation of energy sources, CO2-neutral fuels, decentralised electricity supplies, digitalisation through intelligent technologies…), and on a small scale. Think of further developments of heat networks, heat pumps, sewage heat pumps, KWO, solar energy, electrical storage, e-fuels, biomass, hydrogen, energy management systems,… We strive for change with an ambitious approach based on sustainable solutions. Ready for the future.